MArine Test Site for
Renewable-energy Asia



Demonstration Field

The main activities are the demonstration field off Kabejima in Karatsu City, which has been selected by the government as one of eight sea areas in six prefectures nationwide to test the performance and durability of power generating equipment that uses ocean energy in actual sea areas. We operate and manage the facilities, respond to inspections, and support technological development and demonstration experiments aimed at regional revitalization through the spread of ocean energy and the revitalization of Karatsu.

Waters off the coast of Kabeshima Island in Karatsu City are located in the Genkainada Sea, northwest of Saga Prefecture.
It is roughly about 129° 52’ east longitude and 33° 34’ north latitude.

The demonstration field is an area of water where the performance or durability of power generator using marine energy is tested in actual experiments.
Experiments are conducted to test whether a machine developed to tap energy from wind on the sea or tidal flows can produce energy efficiently. Now that an era of producing energy from the sea is expected to come, the outcome of visiting this experiment station will lead you to a step into such a future.


Access to Kabeshima Island, Yobukocho, the location closest to the demonstration field
■ About 2 hours by car from the Kyushu-Saga International Airport
■ About 2 hours by car from the Fukuoka Airport
■ 1 hour 15 minutes by subway or JR Chikuhi Line from JR Hakata Station to JR Karatsu Station and about 40 minutes by car from JR Karatsu Station

Visible from the landside

About 1 km to 2 km offshore from Suginohara Ranch, the northern point of Kabeshima Island
About 2 km to 3 km offshore from Hato Peninsula

* Source: Survey data of Saga Prefecture (2012)

As Karatsu area faces the Sea of Japan, it is characterized by intense wind conditions. Many windmills are set up on the land area along the coast.

See the official website of the government of Saga Prefecture for details.

How to Use

It is necessary to go through the procedures according to Saga Prefecture Demonstration Field Guideline (hereinafter the Guideline. See * for details.).


Please contact the Secretariat when you intend to use it.

* Established by the council organized by Saga Prefecture asa demonstration field operation and management guide , this Guideline is a compilation of local rules and use procedures intended to ensure the smooth use of the demonstration field, commercialize marine recyclable energy, and realize revitalization of local community, including coexistence with fishery and creation of new industries .

Demonstration Field This section explains the location of the demonstration field, water areas available for use, surrounding natural conditions, and an overview of social conditions.
Use Conditions This section provides conditions for use of the demonstration field.
Consideration of Local Community This section specifies things to be considered of the local community to ensure the smooth use of the field in harmony with local community.
Necessity of Safety Measures It presents an outline and procedures of safety measures to be taken for appropriate use of the waters.
Outline of the Service and Fees This section explains the services to be provided, the fee system for the services, and the period of use.
Response to Study Tours It explains how study tours are received.
Contact It explains the contacts for each activity.
Procedure of Application for Use It shows the process of application.
History of Guideline Development It outlines the history behind development of the Guideline.

Example of demonstration field use

State of demonstration experiment

* Even through the field is shown to be available, the use procedure
by other organization may be ongoing.
Please contact the Secretariat for detailed information.